Langara Gardens

Rezoning Application 

The co-owners of Langara Gardens, Concert Properties and Peterson, submitted a rezoning application for the property in December 2022. 

The Neighbourhood

Policy Statement

The Policy Statement for Langara Gardens was approved by Vancouver City Council in March 2018. A Policy Statement is a planning tool used by the City of Vancouver to describe general planning principles and policy that will guide future development of a large site.

The Langara Gardens Policy Statement provides guidance on a number of key site elements including future uses, density and height, building forms, parks and public spaces, circulation and movement, community facilities and tenant relocation.

Learn more about the Langara Gardens Policy Statement.

The Vision for Langara Gardens

Co-owned by Concert Properties and Peterson, the vision for Langara Gardens is conceived as an inclusive community comprising over 2,600 new homes with a diversity of housing types. The community will provide one of the largest single infusions of rental housing in Vancouver, with over 1,200 new rental homes including potential for over 400 social homes and additional 300 Moderate Income Rental Homes, of which 25% will be moderate income rental.

In addition to the housing offering, the proposal for Langara Gardens includes a new one-acre public park, and a 69-space childcare centre. The garden-like setting and connection to nature will be enhanced through the preservation of character-forming trees, a generous central open space and a pattern of lush courtyards connected with a series of walking and bike paths. The rezoning application that was submitted proposes to redevelop the lands associated with the lowrise buildings, while maintaining the existing towers as prudent owners.

Respecting Residents

Langara Gardens will deliver a thoughtful redevelopment plan that attends to the needs of the existing residents, providing onsite relocation opportunities, and preserving the existing towers and their affordability.

Connection to Nature

Langara Gardens intends to preserve and enhance the legacy of the existing gardens, strengthening the connection to nature within and around the site.

Sustainable Community

Langara Gardens will be a complete community focused on social well-being, healthy living and a diversity of housing. 

Project Highlights


Langara Gardens is envisioned to be an inclusive community delivering over 2,600 new homes tailored to build a complete community. A diversity of housing types are envisioned including approximately:

    • 1,200 new rental homes
    • 1,400 new homes for families
    • Over 700 homes proposed to be Social Housing or Moderate Income Rental Housing

    • Preserving the existing towers and their affordability
    • Redevelopment will be phased to provide an opportunity for residents to relocate on site, avoiding displacement from their neighbourhood

Resident Support

Caring for the existing residents is a guiding principle of the redevelopment plan. Following are some of the types of support we are planning to offer residents during the redevelopment process.

    • A thoughtful tenant relocation plan that addresses the unique nature of the property is currently being developed in collaboration with the City of Vancouver
    • All existing rental homes in the garden apartments will be replaced on a one-for-one basis
    • A Resident Support Specialist will be engaged to assist the residents and provide one-on-one support throughout the relocation process
    • We are committed to keeping residents informed

Parks and Open Spaces

One of the unique qualities of Langara Gardens is the garden-like setting and connection to nature. The redevelopment plan intends to preserve and enhance this setting through the following:

    • Preservation of character-forming trees in key locations around the development
    • Generous central open space
    • New one-acre public park adjacent to the Churchill Secondary School track
    • Pattern of lush courtyards connected with walking and biking paths
    • Public art and water elements to enhance the lived experience

Mobility, Accessibility and Connections

The Langara Gardens community will support sustainable modes of transportation such as walking, cycling and transit, while also recognizing the need to mitigate traffic impacts. Connection improvements are planned to include the following:

    • Cycling connections will be provided to the broader neighbourhood and to the greenway/park at Pearson Dogwood
    • Road upgrades to existing streets and lanes to improve pedestrian, cyclist and vehicle movement

Concept Plan

Illustrated below is the conceptual site plan that supports the rezoning proposal. The towers will be preserved as part of the rezoning application.

Timeline and Next Steps

In 2018, the Langara Gardens Policy Statement was approved by Vancouver’s City Council, providing guidance for the rezoning and planning of a sustainable and resilient Langara Gardens community. Concert Properties and Peterson are now undergoing the next stage of approvals; a rezoning application was submitted to the City in December, 2022.

2015 Langara Gardens Policy Statement planning process begins 2018 Policy Statement for Langara Gardens approved by City Council 2022 Submission of Rezoning Application October 2023 City-led Open House and Urban Design Panel 2023-2024 Public & Resident engagement through rezoning process 2023-2024 Ongoing Staff Application Review 2024 TBC Rezoning Bylaw Referral and Public Hearing

Guiding Principles

The following guiding principles were developed during the Policy Statement process and will guide future development:

Respect Residents

Ensure that the existing Langara Gardens residents are involved in the creation of a new vision for the site and ensure that best practices are used to develop a ‘Tenant Relocation Plan’ for those who may be displaced when the site is redeveloped. The Tenant Relocation Plan will include, at a minimum, clear timelines, individualized attention, assistance in finding comparable replacement housing and reimbursement for moving costs/financial compensation for relocation.

Memory and Character

Design the site to respect the garden-like character by integrating significant mature trees and greenspace. Support the existing community by maintaining important gathering spaces and providing new community amenities. Reflect the site’s history through site planning, public realm elements and public art.

Complete Community

Ensure that Langara Gardens, in combination with Pearson Dogwood across 57th Avenue, will provide a variety of opportunities for people to live, work, shop, and play. The new community will be well served by local shops, services and amenities.

Diversity of Housing

Increase the range of housing types and tenures at Langara Gardens while maintaining or replacing the 605 existing rental housing units on a one-for-one basis. 20% of the new units will be affordable housing integrated throughout the site, of which a minimum of 50% will be suitable for families with children.

Community Connections

Provide new streets, and walking and cycling paths to integrate Langara Gardens with the Pearson Dogwood site and the surrounding community. Site design should provide for the integration of various transportation modes (e.g. walking and cycling) while providing direct connections to the future potential Canada Line station at 57th Avenue.

Sustainable Systems and Environmental Performance

Achieve an exceptional standard of sustainability through site design, architecture, energy supply systems, water use and rainwater management, as well as urban food and waste systems. Integrate visible rainwater management strategies focused on water quality protection and rainwater detention. Large sites such as Langara Gardens are fundamental to support the city’s goals of achieving low carbon neighbourhood energy systems.

About the Co-Owners

Concert Properties Logo 2023

Concert Properties is building a people-first future. Putting people first is at the heart of the Concert story. In 1989, Concert was founded with a mandate to create assured rental housing. ­

We’ve since grown and diversified – and the Company became a real estate corporation wholly owned by union and management pension plans representing over 200,000 Canadians. Today, our portfolio includes rentals and also condominiums, seniors’ active aging communities, industrial and commercial properties, and public infrastructure projects across Canada.

We are deeply invested in improving the lives of the people who live and work in our communities, acknowledging that communities are more than just buildings. We take pride in ensuring these communities are environmentally and socially sustainable to address climate change while fostering human connection. And our relentless passion for quality means we critically think about every decision, no matter how small. We hold ourselves to firm quality standards that guarantee an unparalleled execution.

We are a proud Canadian company, providing quality employment across the country, and working together with the people we serve to realize our vision—building resilient, inclusive, sustainable communities.

From one building on Alberni Street in Vancouver to a range of projects across North America, we’ve expanded into diverse areas of expertise across the real estate industry. We attribute this growth to our values-driven culture, our entrepreneurial spirit and the integrity of our team. Our culture extends beyond our walls, we treat everyone we encounter with the respect and loyalty that has been the foundation of Peterson since day one.

In the last decade, our team has formed collaborative partnerships to bring iconic developments to life from the Fairmont Pacific Rim in Vancouver, to the Shangri-La in Toronto.

As we continue to grow, we stay true to our values putting relationships first, standing by our word and striving for something greater in everything we do.

Contact Us

For questions, media inquiries or more information, please contact Concert Properties or subscribe for email updates.

If you are a current Langara Gardens resident, please click here for more information.

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